Technology is rapidly becoming more advanced and more useful. In the past, in-house IT departments were the go-to solution to support enterprise-wide digital infrastructures. But that is no longer sufficient as it is getting way too costly to retain IT staff, even if there are good candidates to hire.

Many companies in Singapore are now trying to get managed IT services that deliver customized IT solutions to meet their specific IT requirements. It is now possible to outsource almost all IT requirements to a single service provider. With outsourcing, companies no longer need to have several service providers handling your system. IT partners are vital to both technology and the performance of business.

What Is a Managed IT Service?

Managed IT service is the term for a service that is provided by a third party to a company that controls and operates IT on an ongoing basis. Clients define a list of IT responsibilities that they would normally have to carry out in-house, and then outsource these responsibilities to a third party.

The types of IT managed services that are offered vary between the Managed Service Provider (MSP) and the company. ​​Managed IT services consist of many areas, including managing and sustaining IT infrastructure or helping to provide technical support to employees. Some MSPs provide services such as planning, providing expert consulting, and staffing.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Managed IT Service?

There are a lot of benefits to using managed IT services in Singapore that are fully integrated into the company’s IT infrastructure. New businesses could get plenty of time to spend focusing on expansion, while companies that are already successful will receive help focusing on running each branch. Some benefits to outsourcing IT management include:

  • Complement the Skill Gap: Getting managed IT services effectively can help teams that do not have the skills or experience to manage the information technology needs of a rapidly expanding company. It may be necessary to hire an expert who knows a lot about IT and to request specific services to help the growth of the company.
  • Savings and Reduced Costs: Managed IT services mostly offer flexible monthly service plans which means the payment is only for the needed services, rather than paying for a permanent IT department. It is more affordable to hire managed IT services in Singapore rather than build an in-house IT department.
  • Service-Level Agreement: The company will have a service-level agreement from the managed service provider. This allows them to know clearly what to do and what not to do. Instead, when IT staff have a lot of responsibilities, companies can concentrate more on IT problems using managed IT services.
  • Trusted Dependability: It might take some time, training, trial & errors in order to set up the right IT department for the business needs. It will be much easier for companies to recover data from IT outages due to the cloud-driven nature of many IT service providers. Such third parties have security experts on staff who will be able to monitor and maintain a network that is secure, and that means ensuring that the security experts on staff are reliable and dependable.
  • Flexibility: It allows companies to be flexible, because if a service that they hire fails to meet their requirements, they can just switch to a different service. Then they won’t be forced to fire employees and have to re-train staff in their own departments. Some companies might consider outsourcing the need or the maintenance of their own IT services in order to optimize their operations. Startups and large companies benefit greatly from getting the best IT managers in Singapore or elsewhere, as it makes the most economic sense to grow the business.

How to Get the Best Managed IT Services in Singapore

It is an important decision to get the best managed IT service for a business. Here are some essential factors to consider:

Offerings & Service Scope of the MSP

Every business has different IT needs and services from a managed IT service provider, depending on its defining business goals. Some MSPs focus on certain IT fields and target narrowly businesses.

To get a managed IT service that is able to satisfy all the company’s requirements, the company needs to assess the current state of the IT technology infrastructure. They may have to find their strength areas and where they need to improve.

Understand the Service-Level Agreement

Service-level agreements (SLAs) define the responsibilities that each MSP has as a company’s partner. It provides information regarding the MSP’s relationship with the company, their warranties, their obligations, their fees and other associated costs. It includes information on maintenance plans, billing policies, contract renewals and termination procedures. It also provides the contractual framework that governs the MSP partnership. So, it’s essential for companies to understand SLAs before making decisions.

Relevance to Companies

It is not right for a managed service provider to be simply a company that provides IT repair and maintenance services. Companies need to look into MSPs that are proactively focusing on supporting their IT infrastructure. The MSP is to help companies to stay competitive and help them to achieve their business goals.

MSPs must be able to deliver a smooth managed IT service to customers, and work with them to make sure that IT systems work as they should. So, by working with a management partner, you can make sure that your IT investments will fit with your organization’s mission objectives.


Companies need to ask the MSP about their on- and off-premises availability. Site visitation is very useful if the company needs the MSP to provide them with hands-on assistance. An MSP should ideally be operating 24/7). Even if the MSP visits your site regularly, they should also continuously monitor all aspects of your IT after that as it will help to detect the early signs of a looming attack or system failure. If issues are found early, they can be dealt with quickly, before they cause any damage.

Credibility & References

It is not always easy for a company to know whether an MSP is capable of providing a good IT service just by looking at the service that they offer or their qualifications and certifications. This is where client referrals, reviews, and professional awards go into determining whether an MSP is a good fit for a company. Peer referral and review sites can be very helpful in determining the kind of relationship a company should have with a particular MSP.


Getting the best managed IT services in Singapore can help companies to achieve more business results by enabling them to grow the business, cut costs, and optimize the company’s operation. Companies should not take any risks with unknown IT service providers. They need to conduct thorough research before selecting an IT partner.