IT Consultancy in Singapore | IT Consulting Services

When availing of IT consultancy in Singapore, you can’t go wrong with FunctionEight. We operate our business across the whole of Asia, but our Singapore office in particular does a lot of this work.

What does our work entail? Giving you affordable IT consultancy packages that serve as your information technology solution in lieu of your own IT department.

We don’t take the title of “Consultant” lightly either. We adhere to the highest of standards as a Singaporean IT consultancy in particular and an Asian IT consultancy in general.

IT Consultancy in Singapore | IT Consulting Services
IT Consultancy in Singapore | IT Consulting Services

What is IT Consulting?

IT consultation entails client guidance when it comes to achieving their growth and profitability goals through information technology or IT.

You can depend on consultancies like us here at FunctionEight to advise you on data storage and which new technologies are worth investing in to improve your chances of success in the Singapore market. We can do this work all over Asia, but locally in Singapore, we have specific experience doing this for customers.

Consultation also assists in the delivery of mobile security and the effective automation of business processes so that your company can smoothly operate without interference or distraction. In other words, it’s advice on how to use tech to optimize your business.

We also cover IT care and improvements from your network to your website as well as your apps and programs.

FunctionEight is the trusted name of hundreds of businesses when it comes to delivering top-notch IT consultancy in Singapore and the rest of the region. Our team is highly knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced when it comes to data storage, PC troubleshooting, network maintenance, and proper implementation of cybersecurity. You can depend on us for IT advise and expect us to double as your IT department.

IT Consultancy in Singapore | IT Consulting Services

What Can You Expect From FunctionEight as Your Singapore IT Consultant?

When choosing an IT consultant, you should have certain expectations to uphold. We at FunctionEight offer some of the best services and benefits you should absolutely consider as the gold standard in IT consultation.

Your Singapore consultancy should be your strategic partner, in our opinion. Other consultants for IT might view their role differently than us here at FunctionEight. For them, the bare minimum is enough.

For us, we go the extra mile and don’t merely offer technical equipment purchase recommendations. We even offer outsourced IT on top of IT advice for Singaporean startups who couldn’t afford their own IT department.

We offer this service across Asia through our main offices in Singapore and Hong Kong.

We believe that a truly high caliber provider of IT consultancy in Singapore shouldn’t just fulfill basic IT solutions. Instead, you should hunt for a feature-rich consultancy, like what we offer here at FunctionEight.

We get to know your company, your staff, and your business to better serve you. This allows us to service the specifics of your corporation so that our advice is relevant towards you reaching your goals of success. We’re your partners; not mere hired guns.

It’s expensive to undergo downtime. It means lost profits and wasted investment. Disaster recovery is only part of the way to avoid this. A good IT consultancy firm offers downtime prevention services as we do at FunctionEight.

You can consult us to give you well-planned and measured responses to prevent downtime like ongoing system checks and preventive maintenance, regularly updated cloud storage backups, and disaster recovery solutions.

This way, you can mitigate data loss in case of outages and you can even work at partial capacity even during times like lockdowns during new Covid-19 outbreaks.

We believe that a good consultancy offers a robust disaster recovery solution in case worse comes to worst. Whether you’re faced with typhoons, earthquakes, political upheaval, riots, and blackouts in Singapore, you’ll be prepared.

This is why the FunctionEight IT consultancy in Singapore offers you tailor-fitted advice when it comes to how to protect your networks and data by securing your apps, troubleshooting your devices, and acquiring cloud storage for off-server storage.

Yes, your Singaporean consultancy of choice—which we at FunctionEight would be honored to have the privilege of being—should also assist you in saving and optimizing your investment.

We’re able to do this by giving you timely and relevant advice to save you money, stress, and time.

Everything works within your budget, such that your operating expenses won’t balloon when going the IT consultancy route instead of the IT department route. You can focus more on growing your business while we take care of the rest IT-wise.

We also recommend IT consultancies with a focus on cybersecurity. Having secure servers, hosts, and networks enable startups and businesses to defend against leaks, hackers, and corporate espionage.

We at FunctionEight regularly maintain your networks and conduct assessments to detect any vulnerabilities while at the same time building data protection protocols in order to build a data recovery foundation that keeps your company in operation.

The combination of safeguarded data, improved network performance, well-maintained servers, and a website with no downtime work hand-in-hand to improve your workflow processes by getting rid of IT-based bottlenecks.

We at FunctionEight believe that a decent IT consultancy in Singapore (or anywhere else, for that matter) should be able to boost your performance and productivity by making strategic changes in your use of tech to free up time, resources, and people for the betterment of your company workflow.

We’re the type of IT consultant that will assist your business in experiencing assured business efficiency on top of long-term stability when push comes to shove. We also care about improving your bottom line.

We don’t take the IT consultancy label lightly so we aren’t just hired guns that provide you a monthly service that doesn’t impact your performance one iota. We’re your partners who’ll work you through setbacks and celebrate your triumphs.

We at FunctionEight care about the improvement and optimization of every piece of technology at your disposal.

IT Consultancy in Singapore | IT Consulting Services
IT Consultancy in Singapore | IT Consulting Services

Why Should You Entrust IT Consultancy to FunctionEight?

We at FunctionEight take pride in offering comprehensive IT consultancy in Singapore and beyond. You can outsource your IT needs to us and we’ll cover all of the logistics and complexities involved in cloud storage, system development, network protection, data encryption, and others.

Putting us in charge of your IT advice and other IT solutions will enable your startup or newly opened Singapore branch to take advantage of a custom-fit package and the best IT consulting services you could possibly find in this region.